Referens: SKU-377

Krutstubin pyroteknik

Recension(er): 0

Rulle på ca 5 meter. Diameter 2,2 mm. Brinntid 90-100 sek/meter. CE: 1008-P1-69254384    18 år. För denna produkt krävs utbildning enligt f1, f2, f3, f4, p1 eller p2 av godkänd handledare.

Pris 20,76 €
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Referens: SKU-369

Krutstubin för salutkanon 5 st

Recension(er): 0

Diameter 2,2mm. Brinntid 90-100 sek/m.  CE: 1008-P1-69254384.  18 år. För denna produkt krävs utbildning enligt f1,  f2,  f3,  f4,  p1 eller p2 av godkänd handledare.

Pris 6,13 €
Finns i lager
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The K98k rifle

37,26 €
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This is a special series of books devoted to German small arms of the Second World War. Each volume contains all essential information about history and development, markings, experiments and variations, ammunition and accessories. The most unique feature of these series however, is a special selection of original large-format original German World War II propaganda photo's, depicting the weapons as they were used. The famous Mauser K98k was the standard small arm of the German army from 1935 to 1945. This book covers and illustrates the development, its use as standard and sniper weapon, the rare folding and detachable barrel variations, the standard and experimental accessories, the ammunition, grenade launchers and grenades. Extensive information on the production, the markings and

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The K98k rifle

The K98k rifle

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